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A lot of visits in the last 12 moths

In the last 12 months we have received many visits from students, among which we highlight:

In the months of July and September 2023 we had visits from students of two courses: "Industrial processes based on microalgae" and another training course organized by the DIGITALGAESATION project, both organized by Professor Ga...


AEDYR Congress in Granada

Phoenix was presented, on the 13th of last June, at the Congress, XIII International Congress AEDyR organized by AEDyR in Granada. AEDYR is the Spanish Association for desalination and water reuse. The different technical solutions for the regeneration of wastewater for agricultural use that make up this project were p...


Third Phoenix seminar

The Phoenix project had the honor of being included in the agenda of events held by Aguas de Portugal in the month of February on the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary.

The third seminar of the project, entitled "Technology transfer opportunities in new regulatory frameworks" was held on February 28 in Santarem, Por...


Participation in the EWA webinar: “Water reuse: challenges and opportunities in Europe”

The European Water Association (EWA) organized a webinar on "Water reuse: challenges and opportunities in Europe" on April 18. The aim was to provide information on the current landscape in water reuse in Europe, including countries that accept or not reuse and existing legislation. Furthermore, it highlighted best pra...


8th project meeting

On February 28, the eighth meeting of the Phoenix project took place in Santarém, Portugal. Once again, all project partners were able to share the progress of the different activities they carry out, and share different points of view, as well as plan upcoming actions.

From Phoenix we want to thank all the partners (A...


Visit of the provincial government

The Special Deputy Delegate for Sustainability and Natural Environment, María Luisa Cruz Escudero, and the Special Deputy Delegate for European Fundraising and Entrepreneurship, José Juan Martínez Pérez visited the LIFEPHOENIX project on 3 October. The purpose of this visit was to know the different innovative and sust...


European researchers night

Thanks to the effort, work, and professionalism of the Solar Energy Research Centre (CIESOL), DIPALME, and Aqualia, the LIFE PHOENIX project was presented at the European Researchers' Night in the city of Almeria last September.

This is an activity that allows the streets and squares of Andalusia to be filled with scien...


6th project meeting

The 6th project meeting took place online on the 20th of April. The event was attended by the NEEMO Monitor, the Project Adviser as well as all the project partners.

This was a great opportunity to share the progress made in the different project activities, and the different points of view and to plan the next actions...


Inauguration of Phoenix plant in Almería

The plant of the European innovation project Life Phoenix was inaugurated on March 24th, built in the facilities of El Toyo WWTP in the city of Almería. The project is part of the HUB REUSA, a platform focused on research on wastewater regeneration for agricultural use. The event was chaired by the Mayor of Almería, Ma...


XV Technical Conference on Reuse of Regenerated Water

The Phoenix project was presented at the XV Technical Conference on Reuse of Regenerated Water: New Challenges, New Solutions, organised by ESAMUR in collaboration with Spanish Association of Desalination and Reuse (AEDYR). The conference took place in Cartagena (Murcia) between the 15th and 16th of March.

The different...


Funding details:

Funding: LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency

Organism: European Commision (EC)


Grant: Subsidy of 55% budget

Total funding received: 1.855.113€

With the contribution of the European Union LIFE programme LIFE19 ENV/ES/000278

This website reflects only the Consortium’s view. The European Commission is not
responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project funded by