Inauguration of Phoenix plant in Almería

The plant of the European innovation project Life Phoenix was inaugurated on March 24th, built in the facilities of El Toyo WWTP in the city of Almería. The project is part of the HUB REUSA, a platform focused on research on wastewater regeneration for agricultural use. The event was chaired by the Mayor of Almería, María del Mar Vázquez, the Regional Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development of the Junta de Andalucía, Carmen Crespo, the Sub-delegate of the Government in Almería, José María Martín, and the Director of Aqualia Spain, Santiago Lafuente.
The inauguration also included a guided tour around the demonstration plant, in which attendees were able to see the technologies installed and the studies carried out to date. The project’s main objective is the reuse of urban water, which represents a relief from the water stress suffered in many Mediterranean regions. The solutions developed can be combined and adjusted to be efficient both in small populations and in large and medium-sized ones.
The Phoenix project has anticipated the entry into force of the new regulation on the reuse of water approved by the European Parliament. This regulation establishes the minimum quality and control requirements that ensure the safe use of regenerated water for agricultural irrigation. The objective is to guarantee a high level of protection of the environment and of human and animal health, in addition to promoting the circular economy, supporting adaptation to climate change, and addressing water scarcity.